By the grace of Allah (SWT) Al Jamiatul Islamiyah Darululoom Bolton has been in existence since 1993.  It has served the communities, both locally and internationally. Many students have graduated as Alim's (scholars) and Hafiz's (those who have memorised the Quran) and have contributed immensely in their local communities. Jamiah has always functioned well through the Dua's of our well-wishers and ex students aswell as financial contributions towards the smooth operation of our Jamiah. Please keep Jamiah in your Duas and help in investing for your hereafter. Jamiahs focus has always been to improve the spiritual,moral, social and cultural development of every child in our care. Your donations will enable Jamiah to improve and develop our children, the future leaders!

“The parable of those who spend their substance in the way of Allah is that of a grain of corn: It grows seven ears and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He pleases and Allah cares for all and He knows all things."

Bank Details

Acc Name:              AL JAMIATUL ISLAMIYAH
SORT CODE :         20-10-71
ACCOUNT NO:      80476854

We look forward to seeing our well wishers at Jamiah

Bank Details

SORT CODE 20-10-71
ACCOUNT NO 80476854