Home School Agreement
Al Jamiatul Islamiyyah recognises that good behaviour is essential for a well-ordered school in which individuals feel secure and teaching and learning may take place. Pupils are made aware of the current school rules and the principles behind them, the desirability of self-discipline and the duty to consider others’ rights as well as their own.
- All students should obey the Madrasah rules introduced to them by means of tutor periods assemblies, and re-enforced during the course of the Madrasah day
- All students should follow the rules stated in the CLASSROOM RULES & LEARNING RULES displayed in all classrooms
- All students are responsible for their own actions and should exercise moral judgement
- All students should report all instances of bullying to a member of staff
- Mobile phones are strictly prohibited at the Darul Uloom. Senior students with responsibilities will be allowed a mobile phone at the discretion of the Principal. Students do not require a mobile telephone as we provide sufficient access to telephone booths both, for under 16 students and over 16 students.