Boarding is allocated by age groups, in separate wings of our building. Senior students are selected to be tutors and to assist the pastoral care staff with simple tasks and putting various checks into place.
A Rewards and Sanctions log is kept (Incident Record Sheets) in which minor misconduct and sanctions are recorded. Major incidents requiring formal sanctions, i.e. suspension or exclusion are recorded but can only be sanctioned by the Principal along with the Disciplinary Panel. Complaints or issues may be raised with Students, mentors, the supervisors, social welfare managers, the Designated Safeguarding Lead Officer, the independent listener or the SLT.
Boarders are encouraged to personalise and decorate their dormitories making it homely and easier for them to adapt to their new surroundings.
There is an Independent Listener available to all students to provide counselling. It is hoped that children will feel comfortable approaching any member of staff if they have an issue or complaint that they wish to discuss.
Boarding cleanliness and hygiene is highly encouraged and high standards are expected at all times. Monthly ‘Room of the month’ award is given to the deserved room which is selected by the Housemasters.